Honoring the Martyrs 157 Years later-
cremation of 282 martyrs on 1st August 2014
Chaman Lal*
A terrible happening had
taken place near Ajnala in Amritsar district on 31st July-1st
August 1857, as part of India’s first war of independence. The incident had
remained engraved on the memory of the people and pricking their conscience for
long and an historic event is again taking place at that very place where this
terrifying event took place 157 years ago. 282 sepoys of Indian army, who rebelled against
British colonial occupation of India in May 1857, were massacred here and
dumped into a dry well 100 yard away from Ajnala police station. The remains of
those martyred in brutish manner on 1st August 1857, the day of Bakrid, were dug out recently by the town people themselves,
without any governmental help and are now being cremated with full religious
rituals on same day-1st August-157 years later! In spite of that,
Government has until date not even allotted them the cremation place, which has
to be turned into martyr memorial monument in due time!(P.S. Remains were not cremated at the advice of some well meaning people, as remains were mixed of possibly Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs and it was thought prudent to not perform Hindu rites upon remains of all three religions ,but a meeting was held to honor the martyrs. As per Martyrs memorial committee of Ajnala,on 23rd August some of the remains will symbolically be immersed in Ganga river at Hardwar, as most of the sepoys were perhaps Hindus from Eastern UP and Bihar). Punjab Government did allot five canal land, but away from the Martyrs well, which is vacant space under army's control and Martyrs Memorial committee is insisting upon the allotment of same vacant land around the well to build a befitting memorial. None of Government representative or of any major political party turned up to pay tributes to the martyrs except Mangat Ram Pasla, Secretary of breakaway Punjab CPM party and left activists.)
This was not the only
brutal event in those days. For almost a year or more hundreds of terrible
events had taken place all over India-from Calcutta to North India, but
excluding South and North East India. Cruelties were part of this war on both
sides, innocent women and children had also been victims of this terrifying
war, but the rebellious and loosing side’s cruelties were nowhere even close to
occupying winner colonial side-British cruelties, that too in the name of
‘justice’!. Rebellious Indian sepoy’s cruelties were result of being pushed to
the wall in compelling circumstances, whereas British colonial cruelties and
brutalities were committed massively with vengeance and with a victor’s
arrogance of teaching a lesson and to instil terror among its colonised
About this
particular incident near Ajnala, two versions are available-colonial version of
Deputy Commissioner of Amritsar district of those days- Frederic Cooper, whose
book-‘The Crisis in Punjab’-from 10th May to the fall of Delhi- was
published in 1858 itself from London. The nationalist version is of Giani Hira
Singh Dard, a respected Punjabi writer and historian, editor of Punjabi
magazine ‘Fulwari’ from Amritsar in 1920’s. His version was carried with
photographs in November 1928 ‘Fansi ank’(Execution issue) of 'Chand' magazine edited by Ramrakh Singh Sehgal from Allahabad(proscribed), later
included in nationalist historian and editor Pt. Sunder Lal’s proscribed
book-‘Bharat Men Angrezi Raj’(British Rule in India). Giani Hira Singh Dard had
recorded even the eyewitness account of Baba Jagat Singh, who was nearly 95
years of age in 1928 and was of about 20-25 years in 1857, at the time of the
terrible happening! The common factor between both accounts is the facts of the
event; however, the same facts have naturally been interpreted from different
As per
Cooper’s account of whole Punjab in 9 chapters of his book, many thousand
‘Poorbeah’ among different units of Bengal Native Infantry took part in
rebellion, who were disarmed in May 1857 in Meean Meer Cant of Lahore, after
rebellion broke out in Meerut on 10th May, 21 days in advance of the
decided date of 31st May. Rebellion spread in different regions of
Punjab such as Lahore, Umritsur, Phillour, Jhelum, Sealkote, Jullundur,
Ferozepore, Sirsa, Hote Mardan, Peshawur, Loodhianah(as spelled by Cooper), etc.
British Govt. with support from feudal chieftains of Patiala, Jind, Kapurthla
and Kashmir, hundreds of mutineers were ‘slaughtered’ in the term used by Cooper
himself in different areas of Punjab. Cooper proudly and teasingly counts the
killings of mutineers in August 1857 in Peshawar area to 659- “Some idea may be gathered of the terrific and swift
destruction, when it is remembered that the strength of the regiment before the
mutiny amounted to 871. The Punjab Infantry shot and killed 125; Captain
James's party killed 40; Lieutenant Gosling's party killed 15. The Peshawur
Light Horse, the villagers, and H. M.'s 27th and 70th killed 36. By sentence of
drum-head court-martial, on the same day, there were executed by H. M.'s 87th,
187; and by a similar summary tribunal, on the 29th of August, 167; also on the
same date, 84; one thanahdar killed five: total, within about 30 hours after
the mutiny, no less than 659!(The Crisis in Punjab, Frederic Cooper, Page 177,
Elder and Son, Smith, London, 1858) !
In this
particular incident occurred near Ajnala, nearly five hundred disarmed sepoys
of 26th regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, as mentioned by Cooper,
rebelled on 30th July and one Prakash Singh alias Prakash Pandey
killed Major Spencer with Major’s own sword and they all fled toward south,
only to be trapped near Ajnala, by Tehseeldar Dewan Pran Nath’s agents, who
alerted district administration and which sent armed force, which started
shooting them, nearly 150 fell to bullets in river near village Daddian, nearly fifty jumped in river to be drowned.
Others were taken to Ajnala police
station, which could accommodate 237 only, nearly 66 were confined in newly
come up Tehseil building in a dungeon. Deputy Commissioner Cooper had ordered a
long rope to execute, but had made simultaneous arrangement of 50 Sikh sepoys
to kill them with shooting. They were to be killed 31st July night
itself, but due to rains, it was postponed until next morning, which was Bakrid
that year. On 1st August morning, 237 rebel sepoys were taken out
and killed in turns of ten each by shooting in open ground in front of police
station. When other 66 dumped in dungeon did not turn up, it was found 45 of
them were already dead or half-dead by suffocation. A dry well was there about
a hundred yard away from police station. 237+45=282 dead bodies with some not
fully dead were thrown into the well, which was filled with sand from above.
Cooper called it ‘rebel’s grave’ and wanted to be written in Persian,
Goormookhie and English. At two places in his book, he refers the Hollwell’s controversial
Black hole of Calcutta of 1756 and well of Cawnpore of 1857, where rebels had
dumped British official’s dead bodies and compares them to this place and
incident, clearly showing his glee of revenge- There
is a well at Cawnpore, but there is also one at Ajnala!(Same-page 167). This
ironically reminds Praveen Togadia’s recent statement against Muslims-‘They may
have forgotten 2002 Gujarat, but they may be remembering 2014 Muzaffarnagar!”
well was in place till 1972 with a writing as ‘Kalian Wala Khuh’(The well of
Blacks). In 1928, it looked like a raised sand hill. In 1957, centenary
celebrations of 1857 were observed here in the presence of then Chief Minister
Pratap Singh Kairon. CPM MLA of earlier days Dalip Singh Tapiala of this region
used to hold meetings here. However, in 1972, villagers built a room over the
well and turned it into Gurdwara. In 2007, 150th anniversary of 1857
was observed at Gurdwara site. In 2012, town people formed an 11-member committee
of all practising Sikhs, led by trade unionist Amarjit Singh Sarkaria to honour
the martyrs by digging out the well and taking out their remains. They built the
new Gurdwara very near this place and took up the digging of the well from 28th
February 2014. Before beginning digging work, they tried their best to involve
state and Central Government in this project, but their efforts bore no fruit
as none of their agencies like Archaeological survey of India showed any
interest. As the well was well known, so within three days of digging on 28th
February and 2nd March 2014, ten feet deep walls came out and nearly
hundred human skulls, more than five thousand human teeth and other parts of
bones came out. Hundreds of volunteers took part in the digging and thousand
gathered to see it. Many medals, jewellery items, coins etc. are also came out.
Electronic local media covered it widely, so was regional print media.
Officials from administration and Archaeology deptt. did turn up and boxes of
human remains were handed over to them for DNA testing. The same archaeology dept. wasted millions of public money on the call of so called Sadhus to dig for gold and got nothing. The managing committee
renamed ‘Kalian wala Khuh’(Well of Blacks) as ‘Shaheedan wala khuh’(Martyrs
Well) and appealed to Government of Punjab and India to allot them nearby vacant land under the control of army
to cremate the remains of martyrs with full religious rituals and erect a
memorial therein afterwards at the same place like Jallianwalabagh memorial in
Amritsar, 25 kilometres away, where the mass killings had taken place on 13th
April 1919 and similar well existed there, where dead bodies were found.
Another incident of this kind took place in 1872 at Malerkotla, where then
Deputy Commissioner Cowan had got summarily shot dead 66 Kukas in two days, who
were followers of Baba Ram Singh.
London based eminent
historian of Indian movements-C A Bayly had a dig at colonial regime on Ajnala
discovery as it reminds ‘how panic had spread among British officials in Punjab
in 1857 and how they were prepared to use extreme violence’(Hindustan Times,
testing of the martyr sepoys had been done until date; neither land has been
allotted to Martyrs Memorial committee until now. Committee is going ahead with
its plan to cremate the remains of martyrs recovered from the well by
organising religious rituals of Hindus, Islamic and Sikhism, as the sepoys
could belong to all three religious backgrounds, though large numbers of them
could be from Hindu religion. Punjab Govt. seems to have been stuck in
politicisation of the issue by certain Sikh fundamentalists, who wish to ignore
the issue ‘as being of Poorbeahs verses Sikhs, Sikhs being on the side of
British colonialism then’! Govt. they formed a committee, which included some
Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar scholars too, who never took trouble to
visit the site just 25 kilometres away, knowing well the non-interest of the
government! But it was only feudal Sikhs like Maharajas of Patiala, Jind and
Kapurthala , who were with British colonial regime, not the ordinary Sikhs,
many of whom took part in rebellion and even in Delhi, Britishers were afraid
of Sikhs, who were considered anti British in large numbers!
*Chaman Lal, retired Professor from JNU, New Delhi is presently
Professor-Coordinator of Centre for Comparative Literature at Central
University of Punjab, Bathinda and author of recent book-‘Understanding Bhagat
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Dug up well |
Chand-November 1928 with well photo |
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Dug up well |
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Memorial gate outside Ajnala |
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Description or Martyrs well |
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Heritage notice of Archaeology dept.,where 45 sepoys got suffocated to death |
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Here 45 sepoys suffocated to death-more were caged here |
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Amarjit Sarkaria President Martyrs well memorial committee |
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Old building of 45 deaths |
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Coins of 1840 recovered from well |
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Jewelry from well |
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Jewelry |
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Victoria coin |
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Jewelry |
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jewelry |
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With Sarkaria at well |
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Skulls from well |
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Notice in Punjabi over skull-bones boxes |
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Bones |
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Old notice about well in Punjabi |
Baba Jagat Singh in 1928-Chand photo |